Theresa Decker, MA

Theresa is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist from Chicago, IL, USA and holds a Master of Arts in Family Counseling from Northeastern Illinois University. She works with couples, families, and individual adults. Theresa views clients from family-systems and developmental perspectives. Her experience in couples’ counseling ranges from pre-marital counseling and adjustment issues to recovering from infidelity. In addition to helping families with adjustment, behavioral and school-based issues, she is knowledgeable in assisting families with grief and trauma, chronic medical/emotional issues, and adoption issues. Theresa also sees adults with depression, anxiety, adjustment concerns, and the desire
for personal growth.

Theresa’s approach varies based on the client situation and goals. She is influenced by emotionally-focused couples’ therapy, solution-focused/strategic therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Theresa is married and the mother of six grown children. She at one time worked as an electrical engineer and holds a B.S.E.E. from Northwestern University.

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